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Business To Business

Fundamentals of Project Management

Project Management National Certificate

All modern managers need to be equipped with Project Management skills to effectively manage ever changing environments. The programme is designed with the Project Life cycle as foundation for applying planning and control techniques. Although powerful (but inexpensive) project management software is readily available for personal computers, its application will only be effective if the planning and control techniques are clearly understood. The project manager needs a compressive toolkit just as a plumber works with a bag of tools, so the project manager works with a computer producing organisation charts, work breakdown structures, bar charts, resource histograms and cash flow statements. The programme integrates the use MS Project Software.

LEARNING OUTCOMES In this programme participants will learn to: 1. Understand the history and application of the science of project management, to establish foundational definitions and concepts including the project lifecycle. 2. Conceptually define good projects, get the right people involved and assess project feasibility. 3. Apply planning tools and techniques used in project design 4. Apply best practices in project execution and control through people management 5. Perform formal project closure 6. Perform Project Planning and Control with the use MS Project Software

PROGRAMME OUTLINE This SLP comprises of four themes, covering the following:

Theme 1

(Introduction to Project Management and the Project Lifecycle) provides a short history and application of the science of project management, establishes foundational definitions and concepts and introduces the project lifecycle. Project definition Project management definition The process of management by projects

Theme 2

(Project Concept & Initiation) focuses on the immense need to conceptually define good projects (frontend design and development), getting the right people involved and assessing project feasibility. Project charter Project team Project feasibility

Theme 3

(Project Design & Development) focuses the tools and techniques used in project design and development. Planning tools and techniques used in project design Work breakdown structure Critical path Schedule Gantt Chart Procurement Schedule Resource Planning Budget & Cash Flow Quality Control Risk Management Project Communication Compile a Baseline Plan MS Project Software

Theme 4

(Project Implementation and Project Commissioning & Handover) discovers the best practices in project implementation through people management as well as formal project closure. Working in a team Leadership styles relate to decision-making Motivational theory Interpersonal conflict Project Execution and Control Project Reporting Formal project closure


12 – 18Months


Leadership Development

Programme Overview Leadership Development aims to equip the participant to be able to function effectively as a leader within the workplace. The short learning programme focuses on the development of knowledge and skills regarding the context within which the leader needs to lead, the role and behaviour of an effective leader, personal development of the leader, as well as leading a team to high performance. This programme also includes the management of diversity in the workplace by introducing a systems approach to the practical management of diversity at team and individual levels.

LEARNING OUTCOMES In this programme participants will learn to: 1. Distinguish between the characteristics of the traditional and 21st century organisation and to analyse their 2. Understand the role, behavioural practices and skills of a leader and analyse their leadership strengths and weaknesses by means of follower feedback. 3. To develop and manage self-knowledge in the context of work. 4. Understand personality types and the advantages and disadvantages of these types as applied in the leadership sphere. 5. Understand a model of interpersonal communication and apply interpersonal communication skills. 6. Understand the role and management of emotions and emotional intelligence in the workplace and how these relate to effective leadership. 7. Manage conflict as a problem-solving approach effectively. 8. Apply specific techniques in accomplishing creative problem-solving. 9. Diagnose obstacles in team functioning and understand how to develop groups into high performing teams. 10. Explain and define diversity. 11. Explain the importance of the management of diversity in the 21st century. 12. Describe the principles underlying the management of diversity. 13. Distinguish between the management of diversity at strategic-, managerial systems and policies, and operational levels. 14. Manage diversity at the operational level through the understanding of the influence of dysfunctional thinking patterns and perceptions at the individual level. 15. To apply processes and skills to manage dysfunctional thinking patterns in individuals.

PROGRAMME OUTLINE a. Organisation context: Traditional versus 21st century organisations. b. The role, tasks and skills of the leader. c. The importance of self-development and self-knowledge within a leadership context. d. Personality preferences and leadership. e. Emotional intelligence and leadership. f. Managing interpersonal conflict. g. Creative problem solving. h. Intra- and interpersonal communication skills and strategies. i. Empowering the team. j. The overall management of diversity with an organisation.

Registration Requirements Matric Results, ID Copy and the registration form


5 days


Assessor Course

Programme Overview This assessor course will provide people who assess or intend to assess candidates against unit standards and/or qualifications with the necessary expertise.

Target group: Any person involved in assessment of learning outcomes in education and training settings or in the workplace; Teachers in the new career path leading to senior teacher and learning area specialist positions where they have to assess . beginning teachers, student teachers, Learnership teachers and their peers; Senior teachers involved with Learnership student teachers; and Departmental officials involved in assessment of teachers as part of whole school evaluations

Content PLANNING AND CONDUCTING ASSESSMENT FOR A LEARNING PROGRAMME Planning and preparing for assessment Preparing leaners for assessment Gathering knowledge and performance evidence Making assessment judgements Recording assessment results Providing assessment practices Assessment methods and instruments Assessment techniques

Duration: 3 days


Moderation of assessments

Programme Overview Candidates who pass this programme will be able to moderate assessments. The candidatemoderator will be able to use prescribed Quality Assurance procedures in a fair, valid, reliable, and practicable manner that is free of all bias and discrimination, paying particular attention to the three groups targeted for redress: race, gender, and disability.

Programme Outcomes: Demonstrate understanding of moderation Plan and prepare for moderation. Conduct moderation. Advise and support assessors, Report, record and administer moderation, and Review moderation systems and processes

Target group:

People who conduct internal or external moderation of assessments or want to qualify to do so

Content: The following knowledge is embedded within the course, and will be assessed directly or indirectly through assessment of the specific outcomes in terms of the assessment criteria: The role and function of moderation – directly assessed through assessment criterion ‘Moderation is explained in terms of its contribution to quality assured assessment and recognition systems within the context of principles and regulations concerning the NQF.’ and indirectly assessed throughout the unit standard Moderation methods – directly assessed through assessment criterion ‘A variety of moderation methods are described and compared in terms of strengths, weaknesses and applications. The descriptions show how moderation is intended to uphold the need for manageable, credible and reliable assessments’; and ‘Moderation methods and processes are sufficient to deal with all common forms of evidence for the assessments to be moderated, including evidence gathered for recognition of prior learning’; and indirectly assessed through application throughout the standard. Principles of assessment – directly assessed through assessment criterion ‘Key principles of assessment are described in terms of their importance and effect on the assessment and the application of the assessment results. Examples are provided to show how moderation may be effective in ensuring the principles of assessment are upheld’, and indirectly assessed via a requirement to judge whether the principles are applied by assessors. Principles and practices of RPL – assessed in terms of the requirement for candidate moderators to moderate RPL-related assessments. Methods of assessment – directly assessed through assessment criterion ‘Examples are provided to show how moderation activities could verify the fairness and appropriateness of assessment methods and activities used by assessors in different assessment situations’, and indirectly when checking the appropriateness and fairness of assessment methods used by assessors. Potential barriers to assessment – assessed when dealing with special needs. The principles and mechanisms of the NQF – this knowledge underpins the standard Assessment policies and ETQA requirements Knowledge of quality assurance policy and procedures Understanding of organisational or institutional contexts Understanding the curriculum (where applicable).

Duration: 3 days

Train the Trainer

Facilitate Learning Using a Variety of given Methodologies (Train the Trainer)

Programme Overview For those who facilitate or intend to facilitate learning using a variety of given methodologies. Formal recognition will enhance their employability and provide a means to identify competent learning facilitators. US 117871, Facilitate learning using variety of given methodologies, NQF 5, 10 credits

Programme Outcome Plan and prepare for facilitation Analysis of learner and learning needs Plans cater for needs of learners and stakeholders Resources, locations, and personnel are arranged to suit intended delivery Learning material preparation Learning material content Facilitation methods Facilitation process Learning environment Review criteria

Facilitate learning Learning facilitated in a coherent manner Learning environment and facilitation approach promotes open interaction Development of concepts through participation Groups managed in line with facilitation principles Questioning techniques consistency Monitoring learner progress Evaluate learning and facilitation Learner and stakeholder feedback on facilitated learning Strength and weaknesses of the planning, preparation and facilitating of learning Review and recommendation

Duration: 3 Days



Programme Overview Mentoring has its origins in the practice of apprenticing an inexperienced individual to a master craftsman who passed on his/her knowledge of how the task was done. In most large corporations the practice of informal mentoring has arisen, which on occasions has been highly arbitrary. Mentors have chosen protégés (mentees) for the wrong reason and often unproductive relationships and networks have developed. Today most companies have realised that a more structured approach is needed through which the mentoring relationship forms an integral part of a plan (PDP). As a result, mentoring is one of the fastest expanding approaches to developing the key resource namely, people, in organisations. Mentoring has been successfully utilised for a variety of different groups in organisations, such as: Recent recruits Employees appointed to new roles at all levels Individuals participating in a development programme Technical and specialised individuals Managing diversity

LEARNING OUTCOMES By the end of the programme, participants should be able to: Develop an understanding for the place and value of mentorship in the organisation Have an improved awareness of the main issues in the mentorship partnership Apply mentorship models, techniques and processes Exploit the mentoring relationship to improve return on investment for training Consider mentorship within the context of their own careers

PROGRAMME OUTLINE Definition of a mentor The importance of mentoring The key roles of mentoring Mentoring tasks (process) Characteristics of an effective mentor Suggested responsibilities of the mentee The benefits of mentoring To the organisation To the learner To the mentor Managing the mentoring relationship The first meeting The mentoring contract Progress review The different stages of a mentoring relationship Mentoring pitfalls Power alignments Work organisation problems Breaches of confidentiality Problems between mentor and mentee Work organisation problems Breaches of confidentiality

Duration 3 days


Ethics & Governance

Programme Overview The aim of Ethics & Governance is to provide participants with an understanding of ethics and how it influences life choices.

LEARNING OUTCOMES In this programme participants will learn to: 1. Understand governance is South Africa, specifically in relation to the legal framework. 2. Have a proper understanding of corporate ethics and learn how to avoid high risk areas.

PROGRAMME OUTLINE a. Governance in South Africa, with regards to the legal framework b. Corporate ethics and avoiding high risk areas c. Ethics defined d. Governance a. The three pillars for good governance and sustainable development b. Accountability in governance c. Trust in governance e. Differentiating between right and wrong f. What makes something ethical g. Division of action into three categories h. The importance of ethics i. Rights and responsibilities j. Descriptive ethics a. Normative ethics b. Teleological ethics c. Deontological ethics d. Meta-ethical theories k. The art of living making choices l. Applied ethics m. The natural environment is it natural/morally correct? n. Man-made environments o. Media issues


Matric Certificate, ID Copy and Registration form

Duration: 4 days

Skills Development Facilitation (SDF)

Skills Development Facilitator (SDF)


Programme Overview required knowledge and skills to identify training needs, draw up Workplace Skills Plans. The SDF training course will give you a good comprehension of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and will help you to develop your skills and will be a good start in acquiring a variety of qualifications within the fields of Education Training and Development Practices and Human Resource Development.

Prerequisite: Learner should have a good comprehension of English, Computer Literacy, Mathematical Literacy and good Communication skills. Learning assumed to be in place: Mathematical skills at NQF Level 4 and Communication skills at NQF Level 4.

Programme Outcomes Learners will be able to: Develop an organisational training and development plan. Conduct an analysis to determine outcomes of learning for skills development and other purposes. Provide information and advice regarding skills development and related issues. Conduct skills development administration in an organisation. Coordinate planned skills development interventions in an organisation. Who should attend? Managers. Human Resource Managers. Training Coordinators. Compliance Managers.

Duration: 5 days

Women Leaders Programme

Women Leaders Programmes

The Women Programme is designed to equip influential businesswomen with the tools they need to increase their leadership impact and create lasting personal and professional change. The Aim of the programme is to Increase influence and drive impact amongst women Despite compelling evidence that more diversity in senior management ranks increases organisational performance, the proportion of women in key leadership roles remains low in most organisations. Women face a unique set of challenges when progressing into senior leadership positions, including unconscious bias, a scarcity of role models, and a peer group that continually shrinks the more senior they become. These can make striving for the top a lonely and frustrating endeavour even in organisations with the best intentions to support their top female talent. Women executives rarely have an opportunity to come together and share their leadership experiences in a learning environment that has direct relevance and personal impact. The Customised Women Leaders Programme is designed to create just this environment. It addresses leadership issues that affect all executives, in a forum that homes in on the unique challenges women encounter. It and aim for the top.

How you benefit Hear cutting-edge ideas about leadership and learn tried and tested techniques you can apply to overcome the unique challenges faced by women leaders. Develop greater confidence and a better understanding of your personal leadership style, enabling you to carry out and lead change effectively within your business. Work with a professional coach to develop clear aims for your ongoing personal and professional development Access a community of peers, women succeeding in senior leadership roles around the world.

Participant profile The Women Leaders Programme brings together an elite group of women business leaders. It will benefit executives from a range of disciplines and managerial backgrounds, who: Have reached the office of the CEO or have an equivalent level of responsibility Have been identified as high-potential leaders and have used that opportunity to their advantage Are seeking to enhance their leadership skills, and demonstrate strong drive to reach the top of their organisation Have a minimum 5 years of professional work experience.

Duration: 5 days

Generic Management

Generic Management Level 4

Programme overview This qualification addresses each of these domains with generic competencies, so that it allows learning programmes to be contextualised for specific sectors and industries. This leads to the strengthening of management competencies and will enable managers at this level to manage systems, processes, resources, managers and teams in their various occupations and contexts.

WHO SHOULD DO THIS COURSE? The focus of this qualification is enabling learners to develop competence in a range of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values, including: initiating, developing, implementing and evaluating operational strategies, projects and action plans monitoring and measuring performance and applying continuous or innovative improvement interventions leading a team of first-line managers, by capitalising on the talents of team members and promoting synergistic interaction between individuals and teams building relationships using communication processes both vertically and horizontally within the unit, with superiors and with stakeholders across the value chain applying the principles of risk, financial and knowledge management, and business ethics within internal and external regulatory frameworks enhancing the development of teams and team members through facilitating the acquisition of skills, coaching, providing career direction, and capitalising on diversity in the unit.

Admission requirements Grade 12, ID Copy and registration form

Strategic & Change Management

Strategic & Change Management

The aim of Strategic & Change Management is to provide participants with the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to successfully plan, implement and manage their own strategies. It is important for every employee in an organisation to understand why strategic management is seen as

LEARNING OUTCOMES In this programme participants will learn to: 1. Understand why strategic management is seen as an important element of an organis success. 2. Get an overall view of the process of strategic management. 3. Have a thorough knowledge of the concepts strategic vision and mission. 4. Identify the elements that are important to include in an environmental analysis. 5. Understand the impact of the external environment on strategic decisions. 6. Understand the importance of effective internal analysis of the environment for strategic decision-making. 7. Distinguish between the various levels of strategy formulation. 8. Formulate strategic goals for an organisation. 9. Have a good understanding of the relationship between strategy and competitive advantage. 10. Formulate competitive strategies for an organisation. 11. Formulate grand strategies for an organisation. 12. Understand the meaning and role of the balanced scorecard in strategy formulation. 13. Understand and apply strategy maps to an organisation. 14. Understand the framework for strategy implementation. 15. Strategic control as a component of the strategic management process.

PROGRAMME OUTLINE a. Strategic vision and mission b. Exploration of the external environment c. Analysis of the internal environment d. Strategic goals and strategy formulation e. Competitive and grand strategies f. Strategy maps g. Implementing a strategy h. Organisational context as an element of strategy implementation i. Strategic control j. Management of change

Duration: 5 days

Strategic Decision Making

Strategic Decision Making for Leaders

Programme Overview Strategic Decision Making for Leaders delivers practical frameworks drawn from management science and psychology to help you improve your decision-making. Learn to apply simple data science techniques and experiments to improve individual and team choices. Sharpen your decision-making skills Leading a team, board or company to success involves making critical decisions, giving sound advice, and evaluating the decisions of others. However, in fast-changing business environments, managers must often make decisions under severe time constraints and with insufficient information. In these situations, if they rely only on habitual problem-solving techniques and intuition, they can fall prey to unconscious biases that hinder their ability to make the best decisions.

Strategic Decision Making for Leaders is aimed: Executives who make important decisions in their organisations and are responsible for establishing decision-making processes. The programme delivers the tools and frameworks to help you improve your decision- Through interactive classroom sessions, case discussions, simulations and group exercises, you will develop a practical understanding of what drives your own behaviour and that of the people around you. As you analyse the psychological processes behind decision-making in the face of uncertainty, you will strengthen your ability to recognise and overcome systematic biases in the context of your working environment. You will also gain a set of easy-to-use rules (nudges) that will help you challenge assumptions, support smarter decision-making processes, and build exceptional teams. The programme examines how short-term decision-making can create obstacles that hinder organisations in the long term for example, decisions made during recruitment or succession planning. You will explore how to adopt more sustainable decision-making processes to help your organisation avoid the pitfalls of a short-term focus, particularly in high-risk environments. You will return to work with a comprehensive understanding of the strategic decision-making process, along with concrete guidelines on how to make better decisions, apply efficient processes, and deliver consistent results.

How you benefit Develop critical thinking skills, sharpening your intuition in the face of risk and uncertainty Learn ways to discover, manage, mitigate and avoid decision-making traps a light-touch way to influence human behaviour and improve decision-making Boost your ability to build high-performing teams by understanding what conditions enable teams to make better decisions than individuals Become a more strategic leader and decision-maker by understanding the long-term impact your decisions can have on your organisation Who should Attend? Strategic Decision Making for Leaders is designed for: Senior executives and key decision-makers Managers responsible for building high-performing teams Managers who frequently lead projects and want to improve their ability to make smart, sound decisions This programme particularly benefits executives who must frequently make strategic decisions under high levels of uncertainty.

Duration: 5 days

Coaching and Mentoring

Coaching and Mentoring

Credits: 12

Programme Overview The Coaching & Mentoring Programme is a SAQA unit standard-based course that teaches learners to perform one-on-one training on the job, conduct training sessions, monitor and report on learner progress and review training. This course accreditation will benefit candidates in Call Centre Quality Assurors, Quality Assurors, Education or Training reviewers, Business Coaches, Business leadership Coaches, any person who is engaged in any form of training in any company.

Outcomes & Objectives Upon completion of this course and successful assessment Learners will have acquired these skills: Prepare for one-to-one training on the job. Conduct training sessions. Monitor and report on learner progress. Review training.

Duration: 4 Days

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